Full Machine Viktor
Prototype Viktor
Creator Viktor
Death Sworn Viktor
PsyOps Viktor
The herald of a new age of technology, Viktor has devoted his life to the advancement of humankind. An idealist who seeks to lift the people of Zaun to a new level of understanding, he believes that only by embracing a glorious evolution of technology can humanity's full potential be realized. With a body augmented by steel and science, Viktor is zealous in his pursuit of this bright future.
Ally Tips

Death Ray is a powerful poke and a strong area of denial tool. Use it in combination with Gravity Field to control your enemy's position.

Make sure you choose the right augment at the right time.

Enemy Tips

Be careful about how close you let Viktor get to you. Viktor's control of the battlefield increases with his proximity to his opponent.

Be aware of how many augments Viktor has upgraded by looking at the color of the light on his staff (purple, yellow, blue, red).