Volcanic Wukong
General Wukong
Jade Dragon Wukong
Underworld Wukong
Radiant Wukong
Lancer Stratus Wukong
Battle Academia Wukong
Wukong is a vastayan trickster who uses his strength, agility, and intelligence to confuse his opponents and gain the upper hand. After finding a lifelong friend in the warrior known as Master Yi, Wukong became the last student of the ancient martial art known as Wuju. Armed with an enchanted staff, Wukong seeks to prevent Ionia from falling to ruin.
Ally Tips

Decoy and Nimbus Strike work well together to quickly strike your enemy and get out before they can retaliate.

Try using Decoy near brush to make an enemy overreact to your movement.

Enemy Tips

Wukong will often use Decoy after Nimbus Strike. Try delaying your abilities by a short amount of time to ensure that you're hitting the real Wukong.

Wukong becomes tougher to kill when surrounded by his enemies. Try to isolate him to gain an advantage.