Adaptive Helm


+350 Health
+55 Magic Resist
+100% Base Health Regeneration
+10% Cooldown Reduction

UNIQUE Passive: Taking magic damage from a spell or effect reduces all subsequent magic damage from that same spell or effect by 20% for 4 seconds.


Total: 2800

Sell: 1960

Base: 1000

Purchasable: 1

  • Health
  • Spell block
  • Health regen
  • Cooldown reduction
  • The Twisted Treeline
  • The Twisted Treeline
  • The Twisted Treeline
  • The Twisted Treeline
  • Summoner's Rift
  • Summoner's Rift
  • Summoner's Rift
  • Summoner's Rift
  • Summoner's Rift
  • Summoner's Rift
  • Summoner's Rift
  • Howling Abyss
  • Howling Abyss
  • Howling Abyss
  • Howling Abyss
  • Howling Abyss
  • Howling Abyss
  • Howling Abyss
  • Nexus Blitz
  • Nexus Blitz
Creates from