Twin Shadows


+70 Ability Power
+7% Movement Speed
+10% Cooldown Reduction

UNIQUE Active - Spectral Pursuit: Summons 2 spooky ghosts that hunt down nearby champions, revealing and Haunting them on contact.

Haunted enemies are slowed by 40% for up to 5 seconds based on the distance the ghosts travel. (90 second cooldown).


Total: 2400

Sell: 1680

Base: 650

Purchasable: 1

  • Active
  • Slow
  • Spell damage
  • Cooldown reduction
  • Nonboots movement
  • The Twisted Treeline
  • The Twisted Treeline
  • The Twisted Treeline
  • The Twisted Treeline
  • Summoner's Rift
  • Summoner's Rift
  • Summoner's Rift
  • Summoner's Rift
  • Summoner's Rift
  • Summoner's Rift
  • Summoner's Rift
  • Howling Abyss
  • Howling Abyss
  • Howling Abyss
  • Howling Abyss
  • Howling Abyss
  • Howling Abyss
  • Howling Abyss
  • Nexus Blitz
  • Nexus Blitz
Creates from