Enchantment: Cinderhulk


+300 Health
+15% Bonus Health

UNIQUE Passive - Immolate: While in combat, burns nearby enemies for [12 to 29] magic damage a second. Once every 12 seconds, your next immobilizing spell deals [12 to 29] (+3% Your Bonus HP) bonus magic damage and releases a fire nova that also deals that bonus damage around you. Immolate's damage is increased by 300% damage to minions and monsters.
Limited to 1 Gold Income or Jungle item.


Total: 2500

Sell: 1750

Base: 600

Purchasable: 1

  • The Twisted Treeline
  • The Twisted Treeline
  • The Twisted Treeline
  • The Twisted Treeline
  • Summoner's Rift
  • Summoner's Rift
  • Summoner's Rift
  • Summoner's Rift
  • Summoner's Rift
  • Summoner's Rift
  • Summoner's Rift
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