Enchantment: Runic Echoes


+80 Ability Power
+10% Cooldown Reduction
+300 Mana

UNIQUE Passive - Echo: Gain charges upon moving or casting. At 100 charges, the next damaging spell hit expends all charges to deal 60 (+10% of Ability Power) bonus magic damage to up to 4 targets on hit.

This effect deals 250% damage to Large Monsters. Hitting a Large Monster with this effect will restore 25% of your missing Mana.

UNIQUE Passive - Chilling Smite: Smite can be cast on enemy champions, dealing reduced true damage and stealing 20% Movement Speed for 2 seconds.

Limited to 1 Starter item.


Total: 2625

Sell: 1838

Base: 925

Purchasable: 1

  • Nexus Blitz
  • Nexus Blitz
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