Innervating Locket


+400 Health
+300 Mana
+30 Attack Damage
+10% Cooldown Reduction

UNIQUE Passive - Eternity: 15% of damage taken from champions is gained as Mana. Spending Mana restores 20% of the cost as Health, up to 25 per spell cast.

UNIQUE Passive: After using an ability, restore 8% missing Health and 3% missing Mana over 3 seconds.

''Cast down the Noxians'' - Bobdyr, Temple Guardsman


Total: 2800

Sell: 1960

Base: 600

Purchasable: 1

  • Health
  • Damage
  • Mana
  • Health regen
  • Mana regen
  • Cooldown reduction
  • Nexus Blitz
  • Nexus Blitz
Creates from