

50 Attack Damage
20% Attack Speed
300 Health
20 Ability Haste

Active - Halting Slash: Deal (175% Attack Damage) physical damage to nearby enemies, Slowing them by 40% for 3 seconds (15s cooldown, reduced by Ability Haste). Can be cast while moving.
  • Heroic Gait: Dealing physical damage grants 20 Move Speed for 3 seconds.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items 2% Move Speed.


    Total: 3300

    Sell: 2310

    Base: 300

    Purchasable: 1

    • Health
    • Damage
    • Active
    • Slow
    • Attack speed
    • Cooldown reduction
    • Nonboots movement
    • Abilityhaste
    • Summoner's Rift
    • Summoner's Rift
    • Summoner's Rift
    • Howling Abyss
    • Howling Abyss
    • Howling Abyss
    • Nexus Blitz
    • Nexus Blitz
    • Nexus Blitz
    Creates from
    Needs for