

60 Attack Damage
20% Attack Speed
20% Critical Strike Chance

Active - Cloudburst: Dash in target direction, firing three missiles at the lowest Health enemy near your destination (prioritizing champions). Deals a total of (180 - 220 (based on level) + 45% bonus Attack Damage) magic damage, increased against low Health targets by up to 50% (90s cooldown).

Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items 2% Move Speed

Maxiumum missile damage dealt when enemy Health is below 30%.
Cloudburst's dash cannot pass through terrain.


Total: 3400

Sell: 2380

Base: 625

Purchasable: 1

  • Damage
  • Active
  • Critical strike
  • Attack speed
  • Nonboots movement
  • Summoner's Rift
  • Summoner's Rift
  • Summoner's Rift
  • Howling Abyss
  • Howling Abyss
  • Howling Abyss
  • Nexus Blitz
  • Nexus Blitz
  • Nexus Blitz
Creates from
Needs for