Icathia's Curse


100 Ability Power
450 Health
20 Ability Haste
10% Omnivamp

  • Void Corruption: For each second damaging enemy champions, deal 3% bonus damage (max 9%). At maximum strength, the bonus damage is dealt as true damage instead.

    Mythic Passive: Grants all other Legendary items 2% Omnivamp and 8 Ability Power.


    Total: 3200

    Sell: 2240

    Base: 0

    Purchasable: 1

    • Health
    • Spell damage
    • Cooldown reduction
    • Spell vamp
    • Magic penetration
    • Abilityhaste
    • Summoner's Rift
    • Howling Abyss
    • Nexus Blitz
    Creates from